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Canale Musica RecSando - "Il canale musica della Rete Civica di San Donato Milanese"

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 La Storia 




con i "The Wilde Flowers":
- The Wild Flowers

con i "Soft Machine"
-Jet Propelled Photographs
-Volume One
-Volume Two
-Triple Echo
-The Peel Sessions

con i "Matching Mole"
-Matching Mole
-Little Red Record
-The Peel Sessions

Daevid Allen - Bananamoon
 Kevin Ayers - Shooting At The Moon
 Various Artists - June 1, 1974 
 Centipede - Septober Energy
 Hatfield And The North
 Henry Cow - Concerts
 Various - The Last Nightingale
 Michael Mantler - Silence
 Michael Mantler - The Hapless Child
 Michael Mantler - Many Have No Speech
 Phil Manzanera - Diamond Head
 Nick Mason's Fictitious Sports
 News From Babel - Letters Home
 Ultramarine - United Kingdoms
 Working Week - Venceremos (We Will Win)
 Hugh Hopper & Kramer - A Remark Hugh Made
 John Greaves - Songs
 Fish Out Of Waters - Lucky Scars
 C.S.I. - Noi non ci saremo ( Lead Vocal in " Del Mondo ")


WYATT (Robert) - The End of An Ear, 1970 (CBS) [CD: Sony/BGO]
Robert Wyatt (d/v/p/o)
with Mark Charig (tpt) - Mark Ellidge (p) - David Sinclair (o) - Neville 
Whitehead (cb) - Elton Dean (as/saxello) - Cyril Ayers (pc)
Rec : Aug 1970 - Loc : Chelsea (Sound Techniques) - Pr : Robert Wyatt
Tracks : Las Vegas Tango (Pt. 1) - To Mark Everywhere - To Saintly Bridget 
- To Oz Alien Daevyd And Gilly - To Nick Everyone - To Caravan And Brother 
Jim - To The Old World - To Carla, Marsha and Caroline - Las Vegas Tango 
(Pt. 2)

WYATT (Robert) - Rock Bottom, 1974 (Virgin) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (v/kb/pc/d/g)
with Gary Windo (s) - Mike Oldfield (g) - Fred Frith (vla) - Mongezi Feza 
(tpt) - Richard Sinclair (b) - Hugh Hopper (b) - Laurie Allan (d) - Ivor 
Cutler (voice) - Alfreda Benge (voice)
Rec : Feb/Mar 1974 - Loc : Delfina's Farm, Little Bedwyn - Pr : Nick Mason
Tracks : Sea Song - A Last Straw - Little Red Riding Hood Hit The Road - 
Alifib - Alifie - Little Red Robin Hood Hit The Road

WYATT (Robert) - Ruth is Stranger Than Richard, 1975 (Virgin) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (v/kb/pc)
with Nisar Ahmad 'George' Khan (ss/ts/bs) - Gary Windo (ts/as/bcl) - Brian 
Eno (eno) - Fred Frith (p) - Bill MacCormick (b) - John Greaves (b) 
-Laurie Allan (d)
Rec : Mar 1975 - Loc : The Manor - Pr : Robert Wyatt [1 track by Nick 
Tracks : Soup Song - Sonia - Team Spirit - Song For Che - Muddy Mouse (a) 
- Solar Flares - Muddy Mouse (b) - 5 Black Notes And 1 White Note - Muddy 
Mouse (c) - Muddy Mouth

WYATT (Robert) - The Animals Film, 1982 (Rough Trade) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (kb/p/pc/voc/comp)
Rec : Aug 1981 - Loc : Wave Studio - Pr : Robert Wyatt/Ian Mattlow
Tracks : Side A [15.15] - Side B [12.56]

WYATT (Robert) - Nothing Can Stop Us, 1982 (Rough Trade) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (voc/kb/g/pc)
guests : Bill MacCormick (b) - Harry Beckett (flhn) - Mogotsi Mothle (cb) 
- Frank Roberts (kb) - Esmail Shek (tabla) - Steve Nieve (p) - Mark 
Bedders (cb) - Martin Hughes (d) - Clive Langer (o) - Elvis Costello (bv)
Rec : Jan 1980-Jul 82 - Loc : various - Pr : Robert Wyatt [1 track by 
Elvis Costello/Clive Langer/Alan Winstanley]
Tracks : Born Again Cretin - Shipbuilding - Stalin Wasn't Stallin' - At 
Last I Am Free - Caimanera - Grass - Red Flag - Strange Fruit - Arauco - 
Trade Union [performed by Disharhi] - Stalingrad [recitation by Peter 

WYATT (Robert) - Work In Progress, 1984 (Rough Trade)
Robert Wyatt (voc/kb/pc)
guest: Hugh Hopper (b)
Rec : Dec 1983-Apr 1984 - Loc : Blackwing Studios - Pr : Robert Wyatt
Tracks : Biko - Yolanda - Te Recuerdo Amanda - Amber And The Amberines

WYATT (Robert) - Old Rottenhat, 1985 (Rough Trade) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (voc/kb/pc)
Rec : Sum 1985 - Loc : Acton (West 3)/Brixton (Acre Lane) - Pr : Robert 
Tracks : Alliance - The United States Of Amnesia - East Timor - Speechless 
- The Age Of Self - Vandalusia - The British Road - Mass Medium - 
Gharbzadegi - P.L.A.

WYATT (Robert) - The Peel Sessions, 1987 (Strange Fruit) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (voc/p/o/pc)
Rec : Sep 1974 - Loc : London (Langham 1) - Pr : John Walters
Tracks : Soup Song - Alifie - I'm A Believer - Sea Song

WYATT (Robert) - Dondestan, 1991 (Rough Trade) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (voc/p/kb/d/pc)
Rec : Feb 1991 - Loc : South Thoresby, Lincolnshire (England) - Pr : 
Robert Wyatt/Matt Kemp
Tracks : Costa - The Sight Of The Wind - Catholic Architecture - Worship - 
CP Jeebies - Left On Man - Lisp Service - N.I.O. (New Information Order) - 

WYATT (Robert) - A Short Break, 1992 (Voiceprint) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (voc/p/kb/d/pc)
Rec : Sum 1992 - Loc : Louth, Lincolnshire (England) - Pr : Robert Wyatt
Tracks : A Short Break - Tubab - Kutcha - Venti Latir - Unmasked

WYATT (Robert) - Mid-Eighties, 1993 (Rough Trade) [CD]
[Combines all the tracks from Old Rottenhat, with tracks from various 
other releases]
Robert Wyatt (voc/kb/pc)
guests: Hugh Hopper (b) - Dave MacRae (kb)
Rec : 1982-86 - Loc : various - Pr : Robert Wyatt
Tracks : Yolanda - Te Recuerdo Amanda - Biko - Amber And The Amberines - 
Memories Of You - 'Round Midnight - Pigs... (In There) - Chairman Mao - 
Alliance - The United States Of Amnesia - East Timor - Speechless - The 
Age Of Self - Vandalusia - The British Road - Mass Medium - Gharbzadegi - 

WYATT (Robert) - Going Back A Bit : A Little History Of Robert Wyatt, 1994 
(Virgin) [CD]
[Compilation of tracks from Soft Machine, Matching Mole, solo albums and 
guest appearances, plus unreleased tracks]
Rec : 1969-91 - Loc : various - Pr : various
Tracks : Moon In June [BBC version] - To Caravan And Brother Jim - O 
Caroline - Gloria Gloom - God Song - Calyx [unreleased live version] - 
Alifib - Alifie - Last Straw - Sea Song - Soup Song - I'm A Believer - 
Memories - Yesterday Man - Sonia [alternate take] - Little Red Robin Hood 
Hit The Road - Five Black Notes And One White Note - Team Spirit - Song 
For Che - The Doubtful Guest - The Object-Lesson - Arauco - A L'Abattoir - 
I'm A Mineralist - Rangers In The Night - All She Wanted - Left On Man - 
Lisp Service - The Internationale

WYATT (Robert) - Flotsam & Jetsam, 1994 (Rough Trade) [CD]
[Compilation of previously unreleased tracks recorded with various bands]
Robert Wyatt (voc/p/kb/d/pc), solo except otherwise stated
Rec : 1968-89 - Loc : various - Pr : various
Tracks : Slow Walkin' Talk [RW with Jimi Hendrix] - Moon In June [excerpt] 
- Standfast [Symbiosis] - No 'Alf Measures [Matching Mole] - God Song/Fol 
De Rol [RW with Francis Monkman] - Soprano Derivato/Apricot Jam [Lol 
Coxhill and friends] - A Little Something [Slapp Happy & friends] - Now Is 
The Time [Gary Windo] - Now't Doin [Unity/Hamwell Band & RW] - Born Again 
Cretin - Billie's Bounce - Locomotive - War Without Blood - Obert Tancat 1 
- Tu Traicion [Claustrophobia] - Obert Tancat 2 - Turn Things Upside Down 
[The Happy End] - The Wind Of Change [RW with the Swapo Singers]

WYATT (Robert) - Shleep, 1997 (Hannibal/Rykodisc) [CD]
Robert Wyatt (voc//kb/tpt/b/pc/vln)
with Philip Catherine (g) - Brian Eno (syn/bv) - Phil Manzanera (g) - Evan 
Parker (ss/ts) - Paul Weller (g/bv) - Jamie Johnson (g) - Annie Whitehead 
(tb) - Chikako Sato (vln) - Alfreda Benge (voc) - Chucho Merchan (cb/pc) - 
Gary Adzukx (pc)
Rec : 1996-97 - Loc : Gallery Studios, St. Ann's Hill, Chertsey (England) 
- Pr : Robert Wyatt
Tracks : Heaps Of Sheeps - The Dutchess - Maryan - Was A Friend - Free 
Will And Testament - September The 9th - Alien - Out Of Season - Sunday In 
Madrid - Blues In Bob Minor - The Whole Point Of No Return














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