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Formazione JETHRO TULL

Ian Anderson; Birthdate: 08/10/47
Instruments: Flute (self-taught), lead vocals, acoustic guitar, mandolin, saxaphone, plus several others instruments. 
Primary song writer, and the only member of Jethro Tull to appear in every album. Started out in the band "John Evan's Smash" in 1966.
Co-founded Jethro Tull in November, 1967 along with Glenn Cornick. Ian has made two solo albums: 'Walk Into Light' (1984), and 'Divinities'
(1995). 'A' (1980) was originally planned as a solo effort, but was decided by Ian to keep it as a full-fledged Tull album. 

Mick Abrahams; Birthdate: 04/07/43
Instruments: Lead guitar.
First album to appear in: This Was, 1968 
Started with the band "McGregor's Engine" in 1967. Joined Jethro Tull in late 1967. Left Jethro Tull to form "Blodwyn Pig" in 1968. In 1970, he
formed the "Mick Abrahams Band", and later re-joined "Blodwyn Pig" in 1974. He has since joined other bands. 

Clive Bunker; Birthdate: 12/12/46
Instruments: Drums/percussion.
First album to appear in: This Was, 1968 
Started with the band "McGregor's Engine" in 1967. Joined Jethro Tull in late 1967. Left Jethro Tull in 1971. Joined "Blodwyn Pig" in 1974.
Formed the band "Aviator" in 1978. 

Glenn Cornick; Birthdate: 04/24/47
Instruments: Bass guitar.
First album to appear in: This Was, 1968 
Started out in the band "John Evan's Smash" in 1966. Co-founded Jethro Tull with Ian Anderson in 1967. Left Jethro Tull in 1970. Formed the
band "Wild Turkey" in 1972. Later co-founded the band "Paris" with ex-Fleetwood Mac musician, Bob Welch. 

Martin Lancelot Barre; Birthdate: 11/17/46
Instruments: Lead guitar, acoustic guitar, flute (on occasion). 
First album to appear in: Stand Up, 1969 
Started with Tull in late 1968 replacing Mick Abrahams. He has appeared in all albums since and has made at least two solo albums: 'A Trick of
Memory' and 'The Meeting' (years unknown). 

John Evan; Birthdate: 03/28/48
Instruments: Keyboards/Piano. 
First album to appear in: Aqualung, 1971 
Formed the band "John Evan's Smash" in 1966 along with Ian Anderson, Glen Cornick, Barriemore Barlow, and two other members (T. Wilkinson
and C. Murray). The group disbanded in 1967. John did not join Jethro Tull until 1970. Was apparently dismissed by Ian Anderson 1980 (I am not
100% sure). He then went on to start his own building firm (I think). Replaced by Eddie Jobson who was a member of "Yes" for a short period of

Jeffrey Hammond (a.k.a. Jeffrey Hammond-Hammond); Birthdate: 07/30/46
Instruments: Bass guitar. 
First album to appear in: Aqualung, 1971 
Replaced Glenn Cornick in 1971. Quit music altogether in 1975. 

Barriemore Barlow; Birthdate: 09/10/49
Instruments: Drums/percussion. 
First album to appear in: Thick as a Brick, 1972 
Started out in the band "John Evan's Smash" in 1966. Replaced Clive Bunker in 1971. Left Jethro Tull in 1980. Later joined "Tandoori Cassette" (?).
Replaced by Mark Craney. 

John Glascock; Died on 11/17/79 at age 27.
Instruments: Bass Guitar. 
First album to appear in: Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young To Die!, 1976; (I am not completely sure of this.) 
Started in the band "Chicken Shack" in 1971. Replaced Jeffrey Hammond in 1975. Died after heart surgery in 1979. Replaced by Dave Pegg. 

David Palmer; 
Instruments: Keyboards, orchestral arangements. 
First album to appear in: Songs From the Wood, 1977; (or possibly Heavy Horses, 1978) 
(NOT the same David Palmer that was a member of "Steely Dan"). Has assisted Jethro Tull with orchestral and instrumental arrangements since
1971. Did not become an official member of Jethro Tull until 1977. Left in 1980 and later joined the band "Tallis".


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