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Discografia RUSH

Rush (1974)

Finding My Way (5:06)

I Need Some Love (2:19)

Take A Friend (4:24)

Here Again (7:35)

What you're Doing (4:22)

In The Mood (3:34)

Before and After (5:34)

Working Man (7:10)

Fly By Night (1975)

Anthem (4:22)

Best I Can (3:25)

Beneath Between and Behind (3:02)

By Tor and Snow Dog (8:37)

Fly By Night (3:21)

Making Memories (2:58)

Rivendell (4:57)

In The End (6:47)

Caress Of Steel (1975)

Bastille Day (4:37)

I Think I'm Going bold (3:37)

Lakeside Park (4:08)

The Necromancer (12:30)

I.Into The Darkness ( 4:12)

II.Under The Shadow (4:25)

III.Return Of The Prince ( 3:52)

The Fountain of Lamneth (19:59)

I.In The Valley (4:18)

II.Didacts and Narpets (1:00)

III.No One At The Bridge (4:19)

IV.Panacea (3:14)

V.Bacchus Plateau (3:13)

VI.The Fountain (3:49)

2112 (1976)

2112 (20:34)

I. Overture (4:32)
II. The Temple of Syrinx (2:13)
III. Discovery (3:29)
IV. Presentation (3:42)
V. Oracle: The Dream (2:00)
VI. Soliloquy (2:21)
VII. The Grand Finale (2:14)
A Passage To Bangkok (3:34)
Twilight Zone (3:17)
Lessons (3:51)
Tears (3:31)
Something For Nothing (3:59)

All The World A Stage (1976)

Bastille Day (4:59)
Anthem (4:57)
Fly By Night/In The Mood (5:05)
Something For Nothing (3:59)
Lakeside Park (5:06)
2112 (14:51)
  I Overture (4:17)
  II The Temples Of Syrinx (2:13)
  V Presentation (4:29)
  VI Soliloquy (2:27)
  VII Grand Finale (2:25)

A Farewell To Kings (1977)

A Farewell to Kings (5:51)
Xanadu (11:08)
Closer to the Heart (2:53)
Cinderella Man (4:21)
Madrigal (2:35)
Cygnus X-1 (10:25)

Hemispheres (1978)

Cygnus X-1 Book II
Hemispheres: 18:04
  I.Prelude (4:27)
  II.Apollo Bringer of Wisdom
  III.Dyonisus Bringer of Love (4:36)
  IV.Armageddon The Battle of Heart and Mind (2:55)
  V.Cygnus Bringer of Balance (5:02)
  VI.The Sphere A Kind of Dream (1:06)
Circumstances (3:41)
The Trees (4:46)
La Villa Strangiato (9:35)

Permanent Waves (1980)

The Spirit of Radio (4:57)
Freewill (5:23)
Jacob's Ladder (7:28)
Entre Nous (4:37)
Different Strings (3:49)
Natural Science: (9:16)
  I.Tide Pools (2:21)
  II. Hyperspace (2:47)
  III. Permanent Waves (4:08)

Moving Pictures (1981)

Tom Sawyer (4:33)
Red Barchetta (6:06)
YYZ (4:24)
Limelight (4:19)
Camera Eye (10:56)
Witch Hunt (4:43)
Vital Sign (4:43)

Exit Stage Left (1981)

The Spirit of Radio (5:12)
Red Barchetta (6:48)
YYZ (7:44)
Closer To The Heart (3:09)
Beneath, Between And Behind (2:34)
Jacob's Ladder (8:47)
Broons Bane (1:37)
The Trees (4:50)
Xanadu (12:10)
Freewill (5:33)
Tom Sawyer (5:01)
La Villa Strangiato (9:38)

Signals (1982)

Subdivisions (5:33)
Analog Kid (4:46)
Chemistry (4:56)
Digital Man (6:20)
Weapon (6:22)
New World Man (3:41)
Losing It (4:51)
Countdown (5:49)

Grace Under Preessure (1984)

Distant Early Warning (4:59)
Afterimage (5:04)
Red Sector A (5:10)
The Enemy Within (4:34)
The Body Electric (5:00)
Kid Kloves (4:18)
Red Lenses (4:42)
Between The Wheels (5:44)

Power Window (1985)

The Big Money (5:36)
Grand Design (5:05)
Manhattan Project (5:05)
Marathon (6:09)
Territories (6:19)
Middletown Dreams (5:15)
Emotion Detector (5:10)
Mystic Rhythms (5:54)

Hold Your Fire (1987)

Force Ten (4:28)
Time Stand Still (5:07)
Open Secrets (5:37)
Second Nature (4:35)
Prime Mover (5:19)
Lock and Key (5:08)
Mission (5:15)
Turn The Page (4:53)
Tai Shan (4:14)
High Water (5:32)

A Show Of Hands (1988)

Intro (0:53)
The Big Money (5:52)
Subdivisions (5:19)
Marathon (6:32)
Turn The Page (4:40)
Manhattan Project (5:00)
Mission (5:44)
Distant Early Warning (5:18)
Mystic Rhythms (5:32)
Witch Hunt (3:55)
The Rhythm Method (4:34)
Force Ten (4:50)
Time Stand Still (5:10)
Red Sector "A" (5:12)
Closer To The Heart (4:53)

Presto (1989)

Show Don't Tell (5:01)
Chain Lightining (4:33)
The Pass (4:33)
War Paint (5:24)
Scars (4:07)
Presto (5:45)
Superconductor (4:47)
Anagram (For Mongo) (4:00)
Red Tide (4:29)
Hand Over Fist (4:11)
Available Light (5:03)

Chronicles (1990)

Finding my way (5:08)
Working Man (7:10)
Fly by night (3:21)
Anthem (4:22)
Bastille Day (4:37)
Lakeside Park (4:08)
2112 Overture (4:32)
The Temples of Syrinx (2:13)
what you're Doing(live) (5:41)
A Farewell To Kings (5:53)
Closer to the Heart (2:54)
The trees (4:41)
La Villa Strangiato (9:37)
The Spirit of Radio (4:57)
Freewill (5:23)
Tom Sawyer (4:37)
Red Barchetta (6:10)
Limelight (4:22)
A Passage To Bangkok (Live) (3:47)
Subdivisions (5:35)
New World Man (3:41)
Distant Early Warning (5:59)
Red Sector A (5:13)
The Big Money (5:35)
Manhattan Project (5:05)
Force ten (4:28)
Time Stand Still (5:10)
Mystic Rhythms(live) (5:42)
Show don't Tell (5:01)

Roll The Bones (1991)

Dreamline (4:38)
Bravado (4:56)
Roll The Bones (5:30)
Face Up (3:54)
Where Is My Thing? (3:49)
The Big Wheel (5:15)
Heresy (5:26)
Ghost of Chance (5:19)
Neurotica (4:40)
You Bet Your Life (5:00)

Counterparts (1993)

Animate (6:03)
Stick It Out (4:30)
Cut To The Chase (4:48)
Nobody's Hero (4:54)
Between Sun and Moon (4:37)
Alien Shore (5:45)
The Speed of Love (5:02)
Double Agent (4:51)
Leave That Thing Alone (4:05)
Cold Fire (4:26)
Everyday Glory (5:11)

Test For Echo (1996)

Test For Echo (5:56)
Driven (4:27)
Half The World (3:43)
The Color of The Right (4:49)
Time and Motion (5:01)
Totem (4:58)
Dog Years (4:55)
Virtuality (5:44)
Resist (4:24)
Limbo (5:29)
Carve Away The Stone (4:05)

Retrospective Vol I (1997)

The Spirit of Radio (4:57)
The Trees (4:41)
Something for Nothing (3:59)
Freewill (5:23)
Xanadu (11:08)
Bastille Day (4:39)
By tor and Snowdog (8:37)
Anthem (4:24)
Closer to the Heart (2:54)
2112: Overture (4:32)
II.The Temples of Syrinx (2:13)
La Villa Strangiato (9:37)
Fly By Night (3:21)
Finding my way (5:08)

Retrospective Vol II (1997)

The Big Money (5:35)
Red Barchetta (6:10)
Subdivisions (5:35)
Time Stand Still (5:10)
Mystic Rhythms (5:54)
The Analog Kid (4:46)
Distant Early Warning (4:59)
Marathon (6:09)
The Body Electric (5:00)
Mission (5:15)
Limelight (4:22)
Red Sector A (5:13)
New World Man (3:41)
Tom Sawyer (4:37)
Force Ten (4:28)

Different Stage - Live (1998)

Show Don't Tell
The Trees
Nobody's Hero
Closer To The Heart
Test For Echo
Analog Kid
Roll The Bones
Stick It Out
Leave That Thing Alone
The Rhythm Method
Natural Science
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
Bastille Day
By Tor And The Snow Dog
A Farewell To Kings
Something For Nothing
Working Man
Fly By Night
In The Mood
Cinderella Man

Vapor Trails (2002)

One Little Victory (5:07)
Ceiling Unlimited (5:26)
Ghost Rider(5:39)
Peaceable Kingdom(5:22)
The Stars Look Down(4:28)
How It Is(4:03)
Vapor Trail(4:55)
Secret Touch(6:33)
Sweet Miracle(3:40)
Freeze (Part IV of "Fear")(6:16)
Out Of The Cradle(5:03)

The Spirit Of Radio (2003)

Working Man (7:11)
Fly by Night (3:22)
2112 Overture/The Temples of Syrinx (6:45)
Closer to the Heart (2:53)
The Trees (4:42)
The Spirit of Radio (4:57)
Freewill (5:23)
Limelight (4:20)
Tom Sawyer (4:33)
Red Barchetta (6:10)
New World Man (3:43)
Subdivisions (5:34)
Distant Early Warning (4:58)
The Big Money (5:35)
Force Ten (4:32)
Time Stand Still (5:09)

Rush in Rio (2003)

Tom Sawyer (5:04)
Distant Early Warning (4:50)
New World Man (4:04)
Roll the Bones (6:15)
Earthshine (5:44)
YYZ (4:56)
The Pass (4:52)
Bravado (6:18)
The Big Money (6:03)
The Trees (5:12)
Freewill (5:48)
Closer to the Heart (3:04)
Natural Science (8:34)
One Little Victory (5:32)
Driven (5:22)
Ghost Rider (5:36)
Secret Touch (7:00)
Dreamline (5:10)
Red Sector 'A' (5:16)
Leave That Thing Alone (4:59)
O Baterista (8:54)
Resist (4:23)
2112 (6:52)
Limelight (4:29)
La Villa Strangiato (10:05)
The Spirit of Radio (5:28)
By-Tor and the Snow Dog (4:34)
Cygnus X-1 (3:12)
Working Man (5:48)
Between Sun & Moon (4:51)
Vital Signs (4:58)

Feedback (2004)

Summertime Blues
Heart Full of Soul
The Seeker
For What It’s Worth
Shapes of Things
Mr. Soul
Seven and Seven Is



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