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Discografia & Partecipazioni Tony Levin


Artista Titolo dell'album Anno
Gli Artisti recenti con cui ha collaborato
DC Talk Solo 2001
Asia Aura 2001
Buzzy Linhart Buzzy Linhart Loves You / Classic Recordings 2001
Fiorella Mannoia Fragile 2001
Tad Wise Love's Grand Adventure 2001
Leah Zicari Hard Road 2001
Zorki Room to Fall 2001
Various Artists Metallic Assault: a Tribute to Metallica 2001
Original TV Soundtrack Ally McBeal: Songs of the Heart 2001
Bulgarian Woman's Choir Voices of Life 2000
Martin Sexton Wonder Bar 2000


Albums Solo:
Tony Levin World Diary 1995
Tony Levin Waters of Eden 2000


Bozzio Levin Stevens Black Light Syndrome 1997
Bozzio Levin Stevens Situation Dangerous 2000
Bruford Levin Upper Extremities Bruford Levin Upper Extremities 1998
Bruford Levin Upper Extremities Blue Nights / Live 2000
California Guitar Trio Monday Night in San Francisco / Live  
The Clams Close to Me  
King Crimson Discipline 1981
King Crimson Beat 1982
King Crimson Three of a Perfect Pair 1984
King Crimson Vroom 1994
King Crimson Thrak 1994
King Crimson B'Boom Official Bootleg Live in Argentina 1995
King Crimson Cirkus: the Young Person's Guide 1999
King Crimson THRaKaTTaK 1996
King Crimson Absent Lovers: Live in Montreal 1998
King Crimson King Crimson on Broadway 1996
King Crimson Live at Cap D'Agde, 1982 1982
King Crimson The VROOOM Sessions: 1984 1984
King Crimson Nashville Rehearsals: 1997 1997
King Crimson Discipline, Live at Moles Club:1981 1999
King Crimson The Compact King Crimson 1987
King Crimson The Concise King Crimson 1993
King Crimson The Essential King Crimson:Frame by Frame 1991
King Crimson The Abbreviated King Crimson: Heartbeat 1991
Levin Marotta Gorn From the Caves of the Iron Mountain 1997
Liquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension Experiment 1998
Liquid Tension Experiment Liquid Tension Experiment 2 2000
ProjeKct One ProjeKct One: Live at the Jazz Cafe  
ProjeKt Four projeKt four: West Coast Live  
ProjeKt Four Live in San Francisco: the Roar of P4 1999
Spin 1ne 2wo Spin 1ne 2wo  
Steps Ahead NYC 1989
White Elephant White Elephant 1972,96


Albums  dove ha partecipato
Alice Park Hotel 1986
Laurie Anderson Strange Angels 1989
ABWH Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe 1989
Arista AllStars Blue Montreux 1979
Arista AllStars Blue Montreux2 1979
Joan Armatrading Walk Under Ladders 1981
Joan Armatrading The Key 1983
Joan Armatrading What's Inside 1995
Joan Armatrading The Very Best of Joan Armatrading 1991
Asia Aura 2001
Azul Violetta America 1996
Burt Bacharach Futures 1977
Claudio Baglioni Assieme 1990
Claudio Baglioni Oltre 1992
Bendik IX 1991
Warren Bernhardt Manhattan Update 1980
Peter Bliss Peter Bliss 1976
Nino Bonocore    
Chris Botti Midnight Without You 1997
Chris Botti  Slowing Down the World  
Brigati Lost in the Wilderness  
Charley Brown    
Rusty Bryant For the Good Time 1973
Boris Bukowski    
Bulgarian Woman's Choir Voices of Life 2000
T-Bone Burnett Talking Animals 1988
Gary Burton Quartet Live in Tokyo 1971
Caleb Fear of Success  
California Guitar Trio Rocks the West 1988
Karen Carpenter Karen Carpenter 1980,96
Dee Carstensen Beloved One 1993
Dee Carstensen The Map 1998
Tracy Chapman Matters of the Heart 1992
Cher Cher 1987
Desmond Child Discipline  
Lou Christie Lou Christie 1974
Lou Christie  Beyond the Blue Horizon  
Natalie Cole Snowfall on the Sahara 1999
Paula Cole This Fire 1996
Paula Cole  Amen  
Judy Collins Judith 1975
Judy Collins Bread & Roses 1976
Judy Collins Time of Our Lives 1982
Judy Collins Fires of Eden 1990
Judy Collins Forever:an Anthology 1997
Bill Comeau/Pete Levin Some Beautiful Day 1970
Jesse Cook Gravity 1996
Alice Cooper Welcome to my Nightmare 1975
Alice Cooper Goes to Hell 1976
Alice Cooper Lace & Whiskey 1977
Alice Cooper The Best of Alice Cooper 2001
Marshall Crenshaw Downtown 1985
Marshall Crenshaw  Best of Marshall Crenshaw / This is Easy 2000
Burton Cummings Burton Cummings 1976
Catie Curtis Catie Curtis 1997
Al Di Meola Scenario  
Eumir Deodato Whirlwinds 1974
Eumir Deodato  Very Together 1976
Dire Straits Brothers in Arms 1985
Ray Draper    
Robbie Dupree Carried Away 1987
Robbie Dupree Walking on Water 1993
Robbie Dupree Live All Night Long  
Robbie Dupree Smoke and Mirrors 1995
Jon Durant Silent Extinction 1997
Jon Durant Beyond the Zero  
Jon Durant Anatomy of a Wish 1999
Jonathan Elias Requiem For The Lost Americas  
The Explorers The Explorers 1985
The Family of Mann First Light 1974
Far Cry More Things Change  
Jean-Pierre Ferland Jaune  1970
Brian Ferry Boys and Girls 1985
Tim Finn Tim Finn 1989
Flesh & Bone Pagan Saints 1999
Julia Fordham Julia Fordham 1988
Ivano Fossati Macrame  
Peter Frampton Premonition  
Frida Shine  
Dean Friedman Dean Friedman 1977
Dean Friedman  Well well, said..  
Robert Fripp Exposure 1979
Jun Fukamachi The Sea of Dirac 1977
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 1977
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 2 1978
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 3 1980
Peter Gabriel Peter Gabriel 4 1982
Peter Gabriel Shaking the Tree 1990
Peter Gabriel Plays Live 1983
Peter Gabriel Birdy - Soundtrack 1985
Peter Gabriel So 1986
Peter Gabriel Us 1992
Peter Gabriel Secret World Live 1994
Peter Gabriel Ovo 2000
Art Garfunkel Watermark 1977
Art Garfunkel Scissors Cut 1981
Pamela Golden Happens All The Time 1991
Jeff Golub Out of the Blue 1998
Peter Gordon Innocent 1986
Gowan Strange Animal  
Gowan Great Dirty World 1994
Gowan Lost Brotherhood 1990
Gowan ...But You Can Call Me Larry 1993
Greater Boston Youth Orchestra Fourth Annual Concert: Carnegie Hall, Jordan Hall and The White House 1962
Nanci Griffith Flyer 1994
Henry Gross Release/Show Me to the Stage  
Guster Lost and Gone Forever  
Steve Hackett Watcher of the Skies 1996
Darryl Hall Sacred Songs 1980
John Hall Power  
John Hall  Recovered  
John Hall  Love Doesn't Ask  
Kristen Hall Be Careful What You Wish For 1994
Chico Hamilton    
Farid Haque Manfressa  
Farid Haque A Winter's Tale  
Tim Hardin Bird on a Wire 1971
Tim Hardin  Simple Songs 1996
Richard Harris Kahlil Gibran/The Prophet 1974
Richie Havens    
Sara Hickman Necessary Angels 1994
Nick Holmes Soulful Crooner 1973
Larry Hoppen/UnHerd Looking for the Light 1996
Janis Ian    
Indigo Girls Swamp Ophelia 1994
Akira Inoiue & David Rhodes    Head Hands and Feet  
Etta James    
Garland Jeffreys Guts for Love 1983
Margie Joseph Margie 1975
Kankawa B III 1996
Sarah Kernochan House of Pain 1973
Barbara Kessler Notion 1996
Mark Knopfler Local Hero  
Mark Knopfler Screenplaying 1993
Artie Kornfeld The Kornfeld Tree  
Kenichi Kurosawa First 1999
David Lanz English Garden 1997
Catherine Lara Geronimo 1980
Catherine Lara Catherine Lara 1981
James Last    
Ute Lemper Crimes of the Heart 1989
John Lennon Wonsaponatime 1998
John Lennon  Anthology (Box Set) 1998
John Lennon, Yoko Ono Double Fantasy 1980
John Lennon, Yoko Ono Milk & Honey 1980
O'Donel Levy Simba 1973
Fred Lewis Orchestra F.L.O 1979
Buzzy Linhart Buzzy Linhart Loves You / Classic Recordings 2001
Ivan Lins Awa Yio 1991
Kenny Loggins The Unimaginable Life 1997
Maria McKee Maria McKee 1989
Mike Mainieri Loveplay 1977
Mike Mainieri Wanderlust 1981
Melissa Manchester Singin 1977
Chuck Mangione Friends and Love 1970
Chuck Mangione Together 1971
Chuck Mangione Alive 1972
Chuck Mangione Main Squeeze 1976
Gap Mangione Trio Diana in the Autumn wind 1968
Gap Mangione Sing Along Junk 1972
Gap Mangione Gap Mangione! 1976
Gap Mangione  And the Kids Call it Boogie 1974
Gap Mangione She and I 1974
Manic Thirst Endangered Species 2000
Herbie Mann First Light 1974
Herbie Mann  Waterbed 1975
Herbie Mann Discotheque 1975
Herbie Mann Gagaku and Beyond 1976
Herbie Mann Surprises, feat Cissy Houston 1976
Herbie Mann Brazil Once Again 1978
Herbie Mann Evolution of Mann 1994
Fiorella Mannoia Fragile 2001
Phil Manzanera The Manzanera Collection 1995
Manzanera & McKay Crack the Whip 1988
Arif Mardin Journey 1974
Martha & the Muffins The World is a Ball 1986
Deborah Martin Under the Moon 1995
Deborah Martin Deep Roots, Hidden Water 1999
Maralyn Martin    
Jeanne Mas Les Crises de l'Ame 1989
Jeanne Mas L'Arte des Femmes 1990
Rob Mathis Heart of Hearts 1992
Brother Jack McDuff Who Knows What Tomorrow's Gonna Bring? 1971
Gary McFarland and Peter Smith Butterscotch Rum 1971
Kate & Anna McGarrigle Kate & Anna McGarrigle 1976
Kate & Anna McGarrigle Pronto Honto 1978
Kate & Anna McGarrigle French record 1992
Bat McGrath The Spy 1978
Maria McKee Maria McKee 1989
Murray Mclaughlan Murray Mclaughlan  
Don McLean Don McLean 1972
Don McLean Playin' Favorites 1973
Gordon Michaels Stargazer  
Stephanie Mills    
Liza Minelli    
Yoshitaka Minumi 7th Avenue South  
Yoshitaka Minumi Daydream  
Jonell Mosser So Like Joy 1998
Peter Mulvey Deep Blue 1997
Sarah Nagurney Realm of my Senses 1993
Stevie Nicks The Other Side of the Mirror 1989
Stevie Nicks  Timespace: the Best of Stevie Nicks 1991
Goro Noguchi U.S.A. Studio Connection 1980
Laura Nyro Nested 1978
Yoko Ono Seasons of Glass 1981
Yoko Ono It's Allright (I See Rainbows) 1982
Yoko Ono StarPeace 1985
Yoko Ono  Ono Box 1992
Ellis Paul A Carnival of Voices 1996
Ellis Paul Translucent Soul 1998
Peter, Paul & Mary Reunion 1978
Pink Floyd Momentary Lapse of Reason 1987
Andy Pratt Resolution 1973,96
Andy Pratt  Motives 1979
Raf Manifesto 1995
Raf  Collezione Temporanea 1996
Eros Ramazotti Tutte Storie 1993
Eros Ramazotti  Todo Historias 1993
Elliot Randall Elliot Randall's New York City 1977
Pat Rebillot Free Fall 1974
Lou Reed Berlin 1973
Lou Reed Between Thought and Expression 1992
Buddy Rich The Roar of '74 1974
Buddy Rich Ease on Down the Road 1996
Ringo Ringo the 4th 1977
Robbie Robertson Robbie Robertson 1987
The Roches The Roches  
The Roches Keep on Doing 1982
Ron Angelo 1994
Vasco Rossi Canzoni per me 1998
Sabicas/Joe Beck Rock Encounter 1970
Fernando  Samalea Padre Ritual 1999
Fernando  Samalea  Full Femme 2000
Richie Samborra Stranger in this Town  
John Sebastian    
Neil Sedaka    
Sesame Street In Harmony 1980
Charlie Sexton    
Martin Sexton Wonder Bar 2000
Jules Shear Watchdog 1983
Jules Shear The Eternal Return 1985
Jules Shear The Great Puzzle 1992
Jules Shear Healing Bones 1994
Jules Shear Horse of Different Color: 1976-1989 1994
Joanne Shenandoah Life Blood 1995
Michelle Shocked Arkansas Traveller 1992
Vonda Shepard By 7:30 1992
Ben Sidran Live at Montreaux 1978
Carly Simon Carly Simon 1971
Carly Simon Boys In The Trees 1978
Carly Simon Spy 1979
Carly Simon Come Upstairs 1980
Carly Simon Hello Big Man 1983
Carly Simon Spoiled Girl 1985
Carly Simon Coming Around Again 1987
Carly Simon Best of Carly Simon 1975
Lucy Simon    
Paul Simon Still Crazy After All These Years 1975
Paul Simon One Trick Pony 1980
Paul Simon Negotiations and Love Songs 1971-1986 1988
Paul Simon 1964-1993 1993
Paul Simon Paul Simon Anthology 1999
Kenneth Sivertsen Remembering North 1994
Kenneth Sivertsen One Day in October 2000
SMAP 009 1996
Kathy Smith 2 1971
Michael W. Smith Big Picture 1986
Phoebe Snow Phoebe Snow 1974
Phoebe Snow Second Childhood 1976
Phoebe Snow Never Letting Go 1977
Burt Sommer Burt Sommer 1971
Rick Springfield Hard to Hold 1984
Syd Straw Surprise 1989
Andy Summers World Gone Strange 1991
Andy Summers Last Dance of Mr. X 1997
James Taylor That's Why I'm Here 1985
James Taylor  New Moon Shine 1985
James Taylor  Greatest Hits Vol.2 2000
Livingston Taylor Over the Rainbow 1973
Livingston Taylor  Carolina Day: The Collection (1970-1980) 1998
Kate Taylor Kate Taylor 1978
Richard Thompson Amnesia 1988
Libby Titus Libby Titus 1977
David Torn Cloud About Mercury 1987
Artie Traum Letters From Joubee 1993
Artie Traum The View From Here  
Artie Traum Meetings with Remarkable Friends 1999
Mary Travers    
Bonnie Tyler Notes From America 1988
Jay Ungar/Molly Mason Collection: Catskill Collection  
David Van Teigham Safety in Numbers 1987
Randy Van Warmer Terraform 1980
Various Artists Plus From Us  
Various Artists Also Available in Green  
Various Artists Every Man Has a Woman 1984
Various Artists Denon Jazz Sampler, Vol. 1 1986
Various Artists Winter Celebration 1995
Various Artists Big Band Masters 1996
Various Artists Native American Currents 1997
Various Artists Vineyard Sound, Vol. 3 1997
Various Artists 1998 Grammy Nominees 1998
Various Artists Gypsy Soul: New Flamenco 1998
Various Artists Birth of Cool Funk Vintage Jams [Box] 1998
Various Artists Stories 1998
Various Artists Pure Swing: Hold Your Hats 1998
Various Artists Metallic Assault: a Tribute to Metallica 2001
Various Artists Not the Same Old Song & Dance: Aerosmith Tribute 1999
Various Artists Little Guitars: A Tribute to Van Halen 2000
Various Artists Rock: Train Kept a Rollin' 1999
Various Artists Respond 1999
Various Artists Jazz Noel 1999
Various Artists Pure Swing: Hold Your Hats 1998
Rosie Vela Zazu 1986
Loudon Wainright    
Tom Waits Rain Dogs 1985
Johnnie Warman Walking into Mirrors 1981
Kazumi Watanabe To Chi Ka 1980
Misao Watanabe Flowerbed  
Jim Weider Big Foot 1997
David Wilcox The Natural Edge 1989
David Wilcox Big Horizon 1994
Tad Wise Love's Grand Adventure 2001
Kumiko Yamashika Sophia  
Yes Union 1991
Warren Zevon Sentimental Hygiene 1987
Warren Zevon  Hit Somebody 2001
Warren Zevon  I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (An Anthology) 1996
Leah Zicari Hard Road 2001
Original Soundtrack Sporting Club 1971
Original Soundtrack City of Angels 1998
Original Soundtrack Birdy  
Original TV Soundtrack Ally McBeal: Songs of the Heart 2001


Videos & DVD's
ABWH In The Big Dream 1989
Peter Gabriel Secret World Live  
Peter Gabriel Point of View (POV) 1990
King Crimson The Noise - Frejus 1982
King Crimson Deja Vrooom (DVD)  
King Crimson Three of a Perfect Pair Live in Japan 1984
King Crimson Live in Japan 1996
Levin Marotta Gorn Tales from the Widow Jane Mine
The Making of "From the Caves of the Iron Mountain"
Paul Simon One Trick Pony 1980


E' stato in Tour con:
Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
Bruford Levin Upper Extremities
Claudio Baglioni
Gary Burton
California Guitar Trio
Judy Collins
Robbie Dupree
Eastman Jazz Ensemble
Tim Finn
Ivano Fossatti
Peter Frampton
Peter Gabriel
King Crimson
Tony Levin Band
Herbie Mann
Goro Noguchi
Chuck Mangione
Genya Raven
Richie Samborra
Paul Simon
Carly Simon
Mary Travers
Joe Yamanaka


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