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Progressive Rock
L'uso del Mellotron

Progressive Rock

L'uso del MELLOTRON negli Artisti Musicali.

Questo magnifico strumento usato per la maggior parte dei casi come strumento di accompagnamento, viene utilizzato invece dalla maggior parte degli artisti della scena  Progressive Rock come strumento solista, caratterizzando così le particolari atmosfere di certi album difficili da dimenticare. Il Mellotron è uno strumento elettromeccanico a tastiera in cui la generazione sonora e' affidata ad anelli preincisi di nastro magnetico che scorrono, dietro comando dell'esecutore, su testine fonorivelatrici. I pochissimi (4) timbri a disposizione, sempre affascinanti, malinconici, inquietanti e vagamente distorti, sono assolutamente inconfondibili. Il mellotron, oggi è diventato uno strumento da museo,  ma fu lo strumento piu' amato dai tastieristi progressivi, che lo preferirono sempre al pur piu' flessibile organo Hammond, anche se quest'ultimo oggi è sicuramente più usato nella composizione di brani musicali. Negli anni 70 il mellotron fu usato con indubbia maestria da Gruppi come i Genesis, i King Crimson, i Van Der Graaf Generator, gli Yes, i Focus, i Caravan, ma indubbiamente fu usato da tutti gli artisti qui sotto elencati nei seguenti album.



Artista - Album

10cc -10cc
10cc -Sheet Music
30 Years War/Trettioariga Kriget -30 Years War
30 Years War/Trettioariga Kriget- Warsong (Sweden)
9:30- Fly (U.K.)
A Full Moon Consort (US ) -The Men In The Moon 1978
Abba- 1st US LP
Abba- Ring Ring (Sweden)
Abba- Waterloo
Absolute Elsewhere (UK) -In Search Of Ancient Gods 1976
Acqua Fragile -Mass Media Stars
Aerosmith -Angel
Aerosmith- Pump 1991
Afghan Whigs- Gentlemen 1993
Agamon- Open Up Your Eyes (Sweden) 1993
Agitation -Free 2nd
Agitation -II
Ain Soph (Japan)- A Story Of Mysterious Forest 1980
Akasha- Akasha(Norway)
Albatros (US) -Primo
Alf Emil Elk Joy And Breath Of Eternity (Norway)
Alice Cooper- Billion Dollar Babies
Alice Cooper- Billion Dollar Babies (US)
Amazing Blondel- England (UK) 1972
Ambrosia- Ambrosia
Ambrosia -One Eighty (Chamberlin)
American Music Club Mercury
Amon Duul II- Dance Of The Lemmings (Tanz der Lemminge)
Amon Duul II -Pyragony X
Amon Duul II- Wolf City (Germany)
Amos, Tori -Upside Down 1992
Anekdoten- Vermod (Sweden) 1993
Ange Au Dela Du Delire (France) 1974
Ange- Caricatures (France) 1972
Ange -Emile Jacotey (France) 1975
Ange- Guet Apens (France) 1978
Ange- Le Cimetiere Des Arlequins (France) 1973
Ange- Par Les Fils De Mandrin (France) 1976
Angel- 1st and 2nd LP's (US)
Angel- Angel (US) 1975
Angel- Helluva Band (US) 1976
Anglagard- Hybris (SWEDEN) 1993
Anka, Paul -You're Having My Baby
Aphrodites Child- 666
Apocalypsis- Apocalypsis
April Wine- Like A Lover, Like A Song (Canada)
Argent- Circus (UK) 1975
Argent- Encore
Argent- Nexus
Arthur Browns Kingdom Come- Arthur Browns Kingdom Come
Arthur Browns Kingdom Come- Galactic 200 Dossier
Arthur Browns Kingdom Come -Journey (UK)
Arthur Browns Kingdom Come -The Whirlpool (UK)
Arti + Mestieri- Live (Italy)
Arti e Mestieri -Giro di Valzer Par Domani 1975
Arti e Mestieri -Tilt! 1974
Ashra Correlations (Germany) 1979
Ashra Temple -Starring Rosie 1972
Asia -Armed To The Teeth 1980
Asia -Asia 1979
Asia Minor- Between Flesh And Divine 1980
Atila -Intencion (Spain)
Atlantis Philharmonic- Atlantis Philharmonic (US)
Atlantis Philharmonic -Atlantis Philharmonic (US) 1974
Atlas- Bla Vardag (Sweden)
Atonal (Arg) -Plegaria Urbana 1979
Attaway, Murray -In Trhall
Aubrery Small- Aubrery Small (UK)
Axis -Axis (Greece)
Azahar -Elixir (Spain) 1977
B-52s- Cosmic Thing
Babe Ruth- various lp's
Badger- One Live Badger
Badger- The White Ladies 1974
Balletiro Sadimacchia -Balletir Sadimacchia (Italy)
Balletto di Bronzo - YS (Italy)
Bang!- Music
Barclay James Harvest -Baby James Harvest(UK) 1972
Barclay James Harvest -Barclay James Harvest 1970
Barclay James Harvest -Every One Is Everybody Else 1974
Barclay James Harvest -Gone To Earth 1977
Barclay James Harves-t Live (UK)
Barclay James Harvest -Live Tapes 1 978
Barclay James Harvest -Octoberon 1976
Barclay James Harvest- Once Again 1971
Barclay James Harvest -Other Short Stories 1971
Barclay James Harvest -Time Honoured Ghosts 1975
Barclay James Harvest -XII 1978
Barefoot Jerry -You Can't Get Off With Your Shoes On (US)
Bark- Hard
Barone ,Richard- Primal Dream 1992
Barone, Richard- Clouds Over Eden 1993
Bauman, Peter -Romance 76 (Germany) 1976
Beach Boys -Wild Honey 1968
Beatles -Magical Mystery Tour
Beatles -Sergeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
Beatles -White Album
Beck, Bogert, Appice -Beck, Bogert, Appice
Beck, Bogert, Appice -Oh To Love You (US/UK)
Bee Gees- First (Australia)
Beggars Opera -Get Your Dog Off Me
Beggars Opera- Pathfinder(UK) 1972
Beggars Opera -Silver Peacock
Beggars Opera -Time Machine
Beggars Opera -Waters Of Change 1971
Berry, Heidi- Heidi Berry
Besombes & Rizet -Pole
Bi Kyo Ran -Parallax (Japan) 1983
Bi Kyo Ran Ran -Live Volume III 1994
Big Star -No 1 Record (US)
Birth Control (Germany)- Rebirth 1974
Black Sabbath -Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Black Sabbath -Sabotage
Black Sabbath -Technical Ecstasy
Black Sabbath -Volume 4 (UK)
Blackfish -Blackfish
Blackmore's Rainbow- Catch The Rainbow (UK)
Blair, Jim -Turn The Tide 1986
Blistering Moments -Therapeutic Dreams
Blocco -Mentale Iloa (Italy(
Blocco -Mentale Poa (Itlay) 1973
Bloque- Musica Para Le Libertao (Spain) 1981
Bloque-Bloque 1978
Blues Project(Al Cooper) -Live Reunion Album
Bo Hanson (Sweden)- Attic Thoughts 1975
Bo Hanson (Sweden)- Mallanvasen 1973
Bo Hanson (sweden) -The Magician's Hat 1973
Bo Hanson (Sweden)- Ur Trollkarlen's Hatt 1972
Bond, Graham -Sound of '65
Bond, Graham -There's A Bond Between Us
Bonilla, Marc -E E Ticket
Bowie, David- Diamond Dogs (UK)
Bowie, David -Space Oddity (UK)
Box Tops- The Letter
Bregent Partir- Pour Ailleurs (Canada)
Brosel Maschine- Brosel Maschine
Brown, Arthur -Requiem 1982
Brown, Duncan -Duncan Brown
Brown, Duncan -Wild Places
Buccheri, Francesco- 2nd Journey (Italy)
Buccheri, Francesco -Journey (Italy)
Buck Pets-, The Mercurotones
Budgie -If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rules
Budgie- Squawk (UK)
Burmer, Richard (US)- Bakti Point 1987
Burmer, Richard (US)- Mosaic 1984
Busser -Movies (Switzerland)
Byron, David (UK) -Solo LP 1976
Cai Mas Alla De Nuestras Mentes (Spain)
Calliope -Citta Di Froniera (Italy) 1993
Calliope- La Eerra Del Grande Occhi (Italy) 1992
Camel -Camel (UK) 1973
Camel -Mirage
Campo Di Marte- Campo Di Marte (Italy)
Canarios -Cycles
Capability Brown -Voice (UK) 1973
Capaldi, Jim- Seagull (UK)
Captain Beefheart -Doc At The Radar Station
Caravan- In The Land Of Grey and Pink (UK) 1971
Cargoe -Cargoe (US)
Carmen -Dancing On A Cold Wind
Carmen- Fandangos In Space (US) 1973
Carmen -The Gypsies
Cathedral- Stained Glass Stories
Catorze (iu) Bis -Catorze Bis II 1980
Cave Dogs -Soul Martini
Celeste- Celeste (Italy)
Celeste- Celeste 2 1991
Celeste -Celeste Second Plus 1993
Celeste- I Suoni In Una Afara O.S.T. 1974
Celluloid -Jupiter
Celluloid- Mercury 1983
Celluloid- Neptune (UK)
Chac Mool (Mexico) -Nadie en Especial 1980
Cherry Five -Cherry Five (Italy)
Cherry Five- Country Grave Yard
Cherubin- Cherub Safety Match
Chicago -VII
Chilliwack- Ridin' High
Cire D'Ammicco- Ciro D'Ammicco (Italy)
Cirkus -One (UK)
Citta Frontale- El Tor (Italy)
City Boy- City Boy
Clearlight Symphony -Clearlight Symphony (France)
Clearlight Symphony- Forever Blowing Bubbles (France)
Climax Blues Band -Mum's The Word (UK)
CMU- Space Cabaret (UK)
Coda- Sounds Of Passion (Holland)
Colonel Elliott and The Lunatics- Interstellar Reggae Drive 1974
Connoly, Robert- Plateau (Canada)
Convenant Natures Devine Reflection 1993
Cosmos Factory- A Journey With The Cosmos Factory 1975
Cosmos Factory- An Old Castle Of Transylvania (Japan)
Costello, Elvis -Mighty Like A Rose 1992
Costello, Elvis- Spike
Coto En Pel -Holocaust (Spain) 1975
Court Of Appeal
Crack In The Sky- Live Sky
Crack In The Sky -Safety In Numbers
Crack Si Todo Hiciera Crack1979
Cream- Goodbye
Cressida -Asylum (UK) 1971
Cressida -Cressida (UK) 1970
Cult, The- Sonic Temple
Cultural Noise (Sweden) -Aphonsims Insane
Cure, -The Wish
Curved Air Air -Conditioning (UK)
Curved Air Air -Cut (UK) 1973
Curved Air -Airborne
Curved Air -Midnight Wire
Curved Air -Phastamagoria (UK) 1971
Curved Air- Second Album 1971
Cybotron (Australia) -Colossus 1979
Czeslaw Nieman & Aerolit Idee Fixe 198-
Czeslaw Niemen- Mourner's Rhapsody 1975
Dallaglio Sera Mattina (Italy)
Dallaylio (Italy) -Sera Mattina 1972
Dalton Rifussioni: -Idea D'Infinito (Italy) 1971
Danna, Mychael (Canada)- Elements 1979
Danzig- Danzig 2/ Lucifuge
Decayes- Accidental Music
Deep Purple- First two records
Delirium III (Italy)
Delirium III (Italy) 1973
Dice -Dice (Sweden)
Dice- Four Riders Of The Apocalypse
Dimmornas Bro (Sweden)- Dimmornas Bro 1977
Dimmornas Bro (Sweden)- Mal 1989
Dinosaur Jr-. Green Mind
Dionnel Bregent (Canada)- ... Et Le Troisieme Jour 1975
Dionnel Bregent (Canada)- Deux 1977
Don Bradshaw-Leather Distance Between Us (UK)
Downes, Geoffrey -The Light Program 1987
Dragon- Dragon (Belgium)
Dragon- Kalahen 1977
Druid- Fluid Druid (UK) 1976
Druid- Toward The Sun (UK) 1975
Dryss (Switzerland) -Vision In The Dark 1987
Dukes Of Stratosphear
Dyzan- Electric Silence (Germany)
E- Broken Toy Shop
Earth And Fire- Atlantis (Holland)
Earth And Fire -From The End Til The Beginning (Holland)
Earth And Fire- Memories (Holland)
Earth And Fire- Song Of The Marching Children (Holland)
Earth And Fire- To The World Of The Future (Holland)
Earth Star- Atom Kraft? Nein, Danke! (Birotron)
Earthstar- French Skyline 1979
Earthstar- Humans Only 1982
Easter Island- Now And Then (US)
Eberhard Schoener- Bali Agung
Eberhard Schoener- Events 1980
Eberhard Schoener- Flashback
Eberhard Schoener- The Book 1978
Eberhard Schoener Time Square (German)
Eberhard Schoener -Trance-Formation 1977
Eberhard Schoener Video Flashback 1979
Eberhard Schoener- Video Magic (German)
Edgar Winter Group- Shock Treatment (US)
Eduardo Bort- Eduardo Bort (Spain) 1975
Eela Craig (Austria) -One Niter 1976
Eela Craig (Austria)-Hats Of Glass 1977
Egg -Egg
Egg -The Polite Force 1971
Ekseotuib -Ekseption '78 1978
Ekseption- 00.04
Ekseption- 3
Ekseption- 5
Ekseption- Beggar Julia's Time Trip
Ekseption- Dance Macabre 1981
Ekseption- Ekseption 1969
Ekseption- Trinity
Electric Sandwich- Electric Sandwich (Germany)
Eloiteran 9Switzerland) -Lost Paradise 1981
Eloy- Ocean (Germany) 1977
Eloy- Power And Passion (Germany) 1975
Embryo (Germany)- Surfin'
Embryo Rache, -Steig Aus
Emergency- Early In The Morning
Emergency- No Compromise
Emtidi Saat
England -Garden Shed (UK) 1977
Enuff Is Enuff
Epidaurus- Earthly Paradise (German)
Epitaph- Visions (Germany)
Eroc (Germany)- Eroc 1975
Eroc (Germany) -Zwei 1976
Ertlif- Ertlif (Switzerland) 1972
Ethos Ardour (US) 1976
Eyes Of Blue- Crossroads Of Time (UK)
Eyes Of Blue- Fields Of Ardath (UK)
Fairfield Parlor- From Home To Home (UK)
Faithful Breath- Fading Beauty (Germany) 1973
Family Music- In A Dolls House 1968
Fantasy- Beyond The Beyond (UK) 1974
Fantasy- Paint A Picture (UK) 1973
Far East Family Band -Nipponjin 1975
Far East Family Band- Parallel World 1975
Far East Family Band- Tenkujin 1978
Far East- Family The Cave Down Through The Earth(Japn) 1975
Fennelly, Michael- Lane Changer (US)
Fields- Fields (UK)
Finch -Beyond Expression 1976
Finch- Gallions Of Passion
Finch- Glory Of Inner Force, Beyond Expression
Fireballet (US)- Night On Bald Mountain 1975
Flamin Groovies- Take Me Back
Flash- Out Of Our Hands
Fleetwood Mac- Bare Trees
Flint- You'll Never Be The Same (US)
Flyte (Belgium)- Dawn Dancer
FM- City Of Fear
Focus -Hamburger Concerto
Focus -Moving Waves (Holland)
Focus- Ship Of Memories
Foggy -Simple Gifts (UK) 1972
Formas -Largos Suenos (Spain) 1981
Formula 3 -La Grande Casa (Italy) 1973
Froese, Edgar -Ages (Germany) 1978
Froese, Edgar- Aqua (Germany) 1974
Froese, Edgar- Macula Transfer (Germany) 1976
Froese, Edgar -Ypsilon In Malaysian Pale (Germany) 1975
Fuhrs And Frohling -Ammerland (Germany) 1978
Fusioon- Minorisa (Spain)
Future Shock- Future Shock (UK)
G.Men- G. Men (Italy) 1974
Galahad -Nothing Is Written 1991
Galdalf (Austria) -Visions 1981
Gandalf (Austra) -To Another Horizon 1983
Gandalf (Austria) -Fantasia 1986
Gandalf (Austria)- Journey To An Imaginary Land 1980
Gandalf (Austria) -Magic Theatre 1983
Gandalf (Austria) -More Than Just A Seagull 1984
Gandalf (Austria)- Tales From A Long-Forgotten Kingdom 1984
Gandalf (Austria) -The Shining 1985
Gandalf (Austria) -The Universal Play 1987
Gandalf (Austrian)- Various LP's 1982-1993
Garybaldi- Nuda (Italy)
Genesis- A Trick Of The Tail (UK) 1976
Genesis- And Then There Were Three... 1978
Genesis- Foxtrot (UK) 1972
Genesis- Genesis Live (UK) 1973
Genesis -Nursery Crime (UK) 1971
Genesis -Seconds Out
Genesis -Selling England By The Pound (UK) 1973
Genesis- The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (UK) 1974
Genesis -Trespass (UK) 1970
Genesis- Wind And Wuthering(UK) 1976
Gentle Giant -Acquiring The Taste(UK) 1971
Gentle Giant -Gentle Giant (UK) 1970
Gentle Giant -In A Glass House (UK) 1973
Gentle Giant -Octopus
Gentle Giant -Three Friends (UK) 1972
Geodesium (Sweden) -Double Eclipse 1981
Geodesium (Sweden)- Geodesium 1977
George Gruntz -2001 Keys-Piano Conclave (Switzerland)
Gerano -Empty Lie, Empty Dream (Japan)
Gerano -Gerano (Japan)
Gerard -Irony Of Fate 1991
Giganti- Terra In Bocca (Italy)
Gila- Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Giles, Giles & Fripp (UK) 1967
Giles, Giles & Fripp- The Cheerful Insanity Of...
Gladstone -Song Bird (US)
Glider (US) -Glider
Goblin- Il Fantastico Viaggio Del Begarozzo
Goblin -Suspiria (Italy)
Godfrey, Robert John -Fall Of Hyperion (UK) 1974
Golden Earring -Seven Tears (Holland)
Golden Earring -Wall Of Dolls (Holland)
Gong- You
Goro Ohmi & Big Mouth -Graffiti (Japan)
Goro Ohmi & Big Mouth- Guin Saga (Japan)
Goro Ohmi & Big Mouth -Guin Saga II (Japan)
Gracious- Gracious (UK) 1970
Gracious- Once Upon A Windy Day (single)
Gracious- This Is (UK) 1971
Granada -Espan Ano 75 (Spain) 1975
Granada- Habla De Una Tierra (Spain) 1975
Grancher, Philippe- 3000 Miles Away (France)
Granicus -Twilight (UK)
Grapes Of Wrath- These Days
Gravy Train- Ballad Of A Peaceful Man (UK) 1971
Gravy Train- Staircase To The Day(UK) 1974
Greenslade -Bedside Manners Are Extra (UK) 1973
Greenslade -Cosmogony Of The Pantateuch
Greenslade- Greenslade (UK) 1973
Greenslade- Spyglass Guest (UK) 1974
Greenslade -Time And Tide (UK) 1975
Greenslade, Dave -Cactus Choir ((UK) 1976
Gregory Allan FitzPatrick and
Griffin -Raindances
Griffin -Treason
Grobschnitt -Ballerman(Germany) 1974
Grobschnitt -Jumbo (Germany) 1975
Grobschnitt -Merry Go Round (Germany) 1979
Grobschnitt -Rockpommels Land (Germany) 1977
Grobschnitt -Solar Music Live (Germany) 1978
Grobschnitt -The Excursion Of Father Smith (Germany)
Grobschnitt -Volle Molle (Germany) 1980
Groundhogs- Hogwash (UK)
Groundhogs -Snowstorm (UK)
Groundhogs -Solid (UK)
Groundhogs -Who Will Save The World (UK) 1972
Group Therapy -Wait
Gualberta Vericuistos (Spain) 1976
Hackett, Steve- Cured
Hackett, Steve -Defector (UK) 1980
Hackett, Steve -Please Don't Touch (UK) 1976
Hackett, Steve -Spectral Mornings (UK) 1979
Hackett, Steve -Voyage Of The Acolyte (UK) 1975
Hall & Oats -Abandoned Luncheonette (US)
Hammer, Jan- Melodies (US)
Hammer, Jan -The First Seven Days (US)
Hammil, Peter -Chameleon In The Shadow Of Night
Hammil, Peter- In Camera
Hammil, Peter- The Silent Corner and The Empty Stage
Hancock, Herbie- Crossing 1972
Hancock, Herbie -Sextant (US)
Hardie, Sebastian -
Hardie, Sebastian -Windchase (Australia)
Haris Chalkitis (Greece)-Haris Chalkitis 1976
Harmonium -L Heptade 1976
Harmonium -Les Cinq Saisons
Harrison, George- Wonderwall (UK)
Hawkwind -Hall Of The Mountain Grill (UK) 1974
Hawkwind- Warrior On The Edge Of Time (UK) 1975
Head East -Flat As A Pancake
Heartsfield -Shine On
Heldon Allez Teia (France)
Heldon -Heldon IV
Helmerson, Anders- End Of Illusion (Sweden)
Heptade (Canada)
Hiraklis Se Allous- Kosmous (Greece)
Hoelderlin (Germany)- Hoelderlin 1975
Hoelderlin (Germany) -Holderlin's Traum 1972
Holding Pattern- Majestic (US)
Home -Pause For A Hoarse Horse (UK)
Hootenanny Singers (Sweden)- Dan Andersson Pa Vart Satt
Hot Legs (10CC) ..-.Hall Think School Stinks (UK)
Howe, Steve (UK) -Beginnings 1975
Hrdie, Sebastian -Four Moments
Hugh Cornnell & Rbt Williams -Nosferatu
Hunka Munka- Dedicato A Giovanni G (Italy) 1972
Hunter, Ian -All American Alien Boy
Hunter, Ian- Ian Hunter
Hush- Hush (US)
Hydravion -Hydravion(France) 1978
I Dik Dik- Suite Per Una Donna Assolutamente Relative(It)
I Pooh -Parsifal (Italy) 1973
I Pooh -Un Po' del Nostro Tempo Migliore
I Signori Della Galassia- Qualcofa Si Crea Nulla Fi Distrugge (Italy)
Ibio- Cueves De Altamira (Spain)
Ibis -Sun Supreme
Iceberg (Spain)- Tutankhamon 1975
ID -Where Are We Going
Ides Of March -World Woven
Idle Race -Best Of (UK)
Il Balletto Di Bronzo- YS (Italy)
Illusion Enchanted -Caress 1990
Illusion -Illusion (Italy) 1978
Illusion -Out Of The Mist (Italy) 1977
Iman Califato -Independiere (Spain)
Indescribably Delicious- Indescribably Delicious
Indian Summer- Indian Summer (UK)
IQ -(UK) Nine In A Pond Is Here
IQ -Ever
IQ -Living Proof 1986
IQ -Nomzamo 1987
IQ -Tales From The Lush Attic (UK) 1983
IQ -The Wake(UK) 1987
Isao Tomita -Bolero/ Daphnis and Chloe 1980
Isao Tomita- Firebird Suite 1976
Isao Tomita- Kosmos 1978
Isao Tomita -Space Waltz 1984
Isao Tomita -The Bermuda Triangle 1979
Isao Tomita- The Grand Canyon 1982
Isao Tomita -The Planets 1976
Isao Tomita-Pictures At An Exhibition 1975
Isildurs Bane (Sweden) -Isildurs Bane 1984
Isildurs Bane (Sweden)- Sea Reflections 1985
Jackson, Michael -Dangerous 1992
Jadis- More Than Meets The Eye
Jane -Here We Are (Germany) 1973
Jarre, Michael- Oxygene (France)
Jean Michael Jarre- Equinox 1987
Jelly Fish -Spilt Milk
Jet -Jet (UK) 1975
Jethro Tull- Aqualung (UK)
Jethro Tull -Living In The Past
John, Elton- A Single Man
John, Elton -Don't Shoot Me...
John, Elton- Greatest Hits
John, Elton- Rock Of The Westies
John,Elton- Blue Eyes
John,Elton- Captain Fantasic
John,Elton- Caribou
John,Elton -Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (UK)
JoJo Gunne -Jumpin The Gunne (US)
Jonesy- Growing(UK) 1973
Jonesy- Keeping Up (UK) 1973
Jonesy- No Alternative (UK) 1972
Jose Cid -10000 Anos Depois Entre Venus E Marto
Julian Jay Savarin -Waiters On The Dance
Julian's- Treatment (UK) 2nd LP 1973
Jumbo (Italy)
Jumbo- Vietato Al Minori Di 18 Anni? (Italy) 1974
Jun Fukamachi (Japan) -The Tale Of The Heike 1978
Kaipa (Sweden)
Kaipa -Inget Nytt Under Solen 1976
Kaipa -Solo 1978
Kaipa -Stockholm Symphonie
Kangaroo Kourt -Messages In Ether
Kantner,Slick,Frieberg -Baron Von Tolbooth And The Chrome Nun
Karat (E. Germany) -Albatros
Karat (E. Germany)- Ueber Sieben Bruecken
Kayak -Kyak (Holland)
Kayak- Periscope Life
Kayak -Royal Bed Bouncer (Holland)
Kayak -See See The Sun (Holland) 1973
Kayak -The Last Encore
Kayak -The Starlight Dancer
Keats (US)- Keats 1984
Kedama- Kedama (Switzerland)
Kennedy -Flying Ship
Kennedy -Twinilling NASA (Japan)
Kerrs Pink (Norway)- Kong Eduards/Feberliten single 1979
Kestral -Kestral (UK)
King Crimson (UK) -Earth bound 1972
King Crimson -In The Court Of The Crimson King (UK)
King Crimson -In The Wake Of Posiedon (UK)
King Crimson -Islands (UK)
King Crimson -Larks Tongues In Aspic (UK)
King Crimson -Lizard (UK)
King Crimson -Red (UK)
King Crimson -Starless And Bible Black (UK)
King Crimson -USA (UK)
King Pin Meh (Germany)
Kingdom Come -Journey (UK) 1973
Kingdom Come -Kingdom Come (UK) 1972
Kingdom Come -Superficial Roadblocks (UK)
Kinks -Arthur
Kinks Kink Kronikles
Kinks -Lola
Kinks -Village Green
Kitaro- Kitaro In Person 1980
Kitaro- Silk Road I 1980
Kitaro -Silk Road II 1980
Kitaro -Silk Road III 1981
Kitaro- various lp's
Kite, The -The Kite
Klaatu -Klaatu (Canada)
Klaus Schulze- X (Germany)
Kraftwerk -Radio Activity (Germany) 1975
Kraftwerk- Trans Europe Express (Germany) 1977
Kravitz Lenny- Are You Gonna Go My Way
Kravitz, Lenny -Mama Said
Kyrie Eleison- The Fountain Beyond The Sunrise (Austria)
La Botegga Dell Arte -Dentro
La Botegga Dell Arte -La Botegga Dell Arte
Landberk -Lonely Land (Sweden) 1991
Latte E Miele -Papillon
Latte E Miele -Passio Secundum Matheum (Italy)
Lazza Riskouski (Yugoslavia)- Roses For A General 1984
Le Orme -Contrappunti (Italy) 1974
Le Orme- Felona And Sorona (Italy) 1973
Le Orme -In Concerto 1974
Le Orme- Smogmagica (Italy) 1975
Le Orme -Uomo Di Pezza
Le Orme- Verita Nascoste (Italy) 1976
Leb I Sol Rucni Rad (Yugoslavia)
Led Zeppelin -Houses Of The Holy (UK)
Led Zeppelin- Physical Graffiti (UK)
Led Zeppelin -Song Remains The Same (UK)
Lennon Julian -Help Yourself
Lennon, John -Mind Games
Lennon, John- Walls And Bridges
Leviathan -Leviathan (US) 1974
Lift (East Germany) -Lift 1977
Lift -Caverns Of Your Brain (US)
Light -The Story Of Moses (Holland)
Lily (Germany) -VCU
Limelight -Future Earth (UK) 1980
Limelight -Limelight (UK)
Liquid Jesus- Pour In The Sky
Little Free Rock -Little Free Rock (UK)
Lodge -Smell Of A Friend 1988
Los Canarios- Ciclos (Spain) 1974
Los Lobos- Kiko
Lucifers Friend -Where The Groupies Killed The Blues
Lutz Rahn (Germany) -Solo Trip 1978
Lynyrd Skynyrd -Pronounced
Machiavel -Jester
Machiavel Mechanical -Moonbeams (Belgium) 1978
Madison Dyke (Germany) -Zeitmaschine 1977
Magma -Attahk (Chamberlin)
Mahaujin -Babylonia Suite 1978
Mahogony Rush -IV (Canada)
Mako- In Other Regions 1986
Malo- Malo (US)
Mandala Band -The Eye Of The Vendor (UK) 1978
Manfred Mann's Earth Band -Nightingales And Bombers (UK) 1975
Manfred Mann's Earth Band -Roaring Silence
Manfred Mann's Earth Band -Solar Fire (UK) 1973
Manfred Mann's Earth Band -The Good Earth (UK) 1974
Mann, Aimee -Whatever
Manticore (Sweden) -Time To Fly 1984
Manzanera, Phil -Diamond Head (UK)
Marble Orchard -Agent Invisible
Marianus -Visions From Out Of The Blue
Marillion (UK)- Forgotten Songs
Marsupilami -Arena (UK)
Martz, Jason -The Pillory (US) 1981
Marz -The Dream Is Over
Matching Mole -Matching Mole
Matching Mole -The Little Red Album
Matter -Matter (US)
Mauve Sideshow -Mauve Sideshow
Mauve Sideshow- Meet Me In The Wasteland
McCartney, Paul -Flowers In The Dirt 1989
McCartney, Paul -Red Rose Speedway
McCartney,Paul -McCartney
McCartney,Paul -McCartneyII
McCartney,Paul -Off The Ground
McCartney,Paul- Pipes Of Peace
McCartney,Paul -Wings Over America
McPhee, Tony- The Two Sides Of...) 1972
Meadow -The Friendship
Merryweather, Neil -Spacerangers
Message -The Dawn Anew Is Coming
Metcalf, Thomas- (US) One 1989
Method -Method 1976
Miguel Rios- La Huerta Atomica (Spain)
Mind Over Matter (Germany)-Music For Paradise 1986
Minotaurus -Fly Away (Germany)
Montrose -We're Going Home
Moody Blues -A Question Of Balance (UK) 1970
Moody Blues- Caught Live + 5 (UK)
Moody Blues- Days Of Future Passed (UK) 1967
Moody Blues -Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (UK) 1971
Moody Blues -In Search Of The Lost Chord (UK) 1968
Moody Blues- Long Distance Voyager (UK)
Moody Blues- Octave (UK)
Moody Blues -On The Threshold Of A Dream (UK) 1969
Moody Blues- Seventh Sojourn (UK) 1972
Moody Blues -The Keys Of The Kingdom
Moody Blues -To Our Childrens Childrens Children (UK) 1969
Moraz, Patrick -The Story Of i (Switzerland)
Morio Inada & Be Mi Family (Japan)
Morse Code -Je Suis Les Temps (Canada)
Morse Code- Le Marche Des Hommes (Canada)
Morse Code -Procreation (Canada)
Mountain -Avalanche (US)
Mountain -Climbing (US)
Mountain- Nantucket Sleigh Ride (US)
Move -The Best Of The Move
Mugen Leda -En Le Cygne (Japan)
Multi Story East West (UK)
Museo Rosenbach -Della Natura (Italy)
Museo Rosenbach- Zarathustra
Muyen -The Princess Of Kingdom Come 1988
Mythos -Concrete City 1978
Mythos -Dreamlab(Germany) 1975
Mythos -Quasar 1980
Mythos -Strange Guys (Germany) 1976
Neal, Chris -Winds Of Isis (Australia)
Nektar -A Tab In The Ocean 1972
Nektar -Down To Earth
Nektar -Journey To The Center Of The Eye (UK) 1971
Nektar -Sounds Like This 1970
Nessie -Head In The Sand (Belgium)
Nessie -The Tree (Belgium)
Netherworld- In The Following Half Light
New England- New England
New Order
New Riders Of Purple Sage- Brujo
Newman, Tom -Fairie Symphony (UK) 1977
Niemen -Aerolit (Poland)
Niemen -Aeroliz (Poland)
Niemen -Katharsis (Poland)
Nightwinds -Nightwinds (Canada)
Nilsson, Harry
Nine Days Wonder- Only The Dancers
Nine Days Wonder-We Never Lost Control
Northern Pikes -Neptune
Nouva Idea (Italy)- Clowns 1971
Nouva Idea (Italy) -In The Beginning 1970
Nouva Idea (Italy) -Mr. E. Jones 1972
Novalis -Banished Bridge (Germany) 1973
Novalis -Branoeng (Germany) 1977
Novalis -Konzerte (Germany) 1977
Novalis -Novalis (Germany) 1975
Novalis -Sommerabend (Novalis) 1976
Novalis -Vielleicht Bist Du Ein Clown (Novalis) 1978
Novalis- Wer Schmetterlinge Lachen Hort 1978
Novela (Japan)- Novela (Niwakugeni) 1980
Now & Then (Germany) -Reflections On The Future
Nu A Golpe De Latigo (Spain) 1975
Nu Cuentos De Ayer U De Hoy (Spain)
Nuvole di Paylis (Italy)- And Then 1994
Octopus (Germany) -The Boat Of Thoughts 1976
Odissea -Odissea (Italy) 1973
Oho -Baltimore
O'Keefe, Danny -Rainbow Girl
OMD- Architecture And Morality
OMD- Dazzle Ships
Omega -(English) Omega 1975
Omega -(English) Omega III 1974
Omega- (Hungarian) 7 Idorablo 1977
Omega- 200 Years After The Last War (Hungary) 1974
Omega- 8 Csillagor Utjan 1978
Omega -9 Gammapolis 1978
Omega- Gammapolis (Hungary) 1978
Omega- Odyssey And Oracle
Omega- Omega (Hungary) 1973
Omega- Skyrover(Hungary) 1978
Osamu Kitajjima (Japan)- Osamu 1973
Osanna -Landscape Of Life
Osanna- Palepoli
Outer Limits- A Boy Playing The Magical Bugle Horn (Japan)
Outer Limits -Indian Collection 1988
Outer Limits -Made In Japan Sampler - side two 1981
Outer Limits -Marionette's Lament 1987
Outer Limits -Misty Moon (Japan)
Outer Limits- Outer Mania 1994
Outer Limits The Scene Of Pale Blue (Japan)
P.F.M -Photos Of Ghosts 1973
P.F.M.- Chocolate Kings
P.F.M.- Storia Di Un Minuto (Italy) 1972
P.F.M.- When The World Became A World 1975
P.F.M.-Per Un Amico (Italy) 1972
Pallas -Arrive Alive 1981
Pallas -Eyes In The Night 1984
Pallas -The Pallas Tape 1981
Pallas -The Sentinel 1984
Pallas -The Wedge (UK)
Paolo Rustichelli/Carlo Bordini Opera Prima (Italy)
Paradis, Vanessa
Passport -Cross Collateral (Germany)
Passport -Handmade 1973
Passport -Looking Thru (Germany)
Pavlov's Dog- At The Sound Of The Bell (US) 1976
Pavlov's Dog- Pampered Menial (US) 1975
Pazzo FanFano diMusica (Jap) -Pazzo FanFano di Musica 1989
Pell Mell -Marburg (Germany) 1972
Pell Mell -Only A Star (Germany)
Pentwater -Pentwater (US)
Pete Brown & Piblokto -Thousands On A Raft (UK)
PFM- L'Isola di Niente
Phantom (Germany) -Phantom's Divine Comedy
Phillips, Anthony -The Geese And The Ghost
Pinder Michael- Of The Shelf (US) 1993
Pinder, Michael- The Promise (UK) 1976
Pink Floyd "Embryo" from Works 1983
Pink Floyd -Julia Dream single (UK) 1968
Pink Floyd -Saucerful Of Secrets
Pink Floyd -Umma Gumma (UK)
Pink Floyd-Atom Heart Mother (UK) 1970
Planetarium -Infinity (Italy)
Plasticland- Radio Fuzzbox Wig
Popol Ace -Curly Sounds 1978
Popol Ace -Popol Ace 1973
Popol Vuh -Popol Vuh (Norway)
Popol Vuh -Quiche Maya (Norway)
Popol Vuh -Stolen Through Time (Norway)
Pretty Things -SF Sorrow
Prince -Prince (France)
Procession- Frontiera (Italy)
Pulsar -Halloween (France)
Pulsar -The Strands Of The Future 1976 (France)
Pythagoras -After The Silence 1982
Qualla Vacchia Locanda- Il Tempo Della Gioia 1974
Qualla Vacchia Locanda -Live 1994
Quatro, Michael
Quatro, Suzi
Quella Vecchia Locanda -Quella Vecchia Locanda (Italy)
Quicksand -Home Is Where I Belong (UK)
Rabbit (Bundrick) -Broken Arrow
Radiomobel -Gudand Garam (Sweden)
Ragnarok -Nooks (New Zealand)
Ragnarok- Ragnarok (New Zealand)
Rainbow- Long Live Rock And Roll
Rainbow Theatre (Australia)- The Armada 1975
Ramses- Eternity Rise
Ramses- La Leyal (Germany) 1975
Raw Material -Insolent Lady (UK)
Raw Material -Time Is (UK)
Ray Manzarek -The Golden Scarab 1975
Ray Manzarek -The Whole Thing Started With Rock N Roll1973
Reale Academia Di Musica -Reale Academia Di Muska (Italy)
Reale Academia Di Musica -Vertigine (Italy)
Red Hot Chili Peppers -Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Mother's Milk
Red Kross -Phaseshifter
Refugee- Refugee (UK) 1974
Reinhard Lakomy (E. Germany)- Das Geheime Leben 1981
Release Music Orchestra (Ger) -Beyond The Limit 1977
Release Music Orchestra (Ger) -Garuda 1975
Release Music Orchestra (Ger)- Get The Ball 1976
Release Music Orchestra (Ger)- Life 1974
Release Music Orchestra (Ger) -News 1979
REM- Green
Renaissance -Arabesque (UK)
Renaissance -Azur d'Or (UK)
Renaissance -Song For All Seasons
Renia- First Offenders
Return To Forever-Live The Complete Concert 1978
Roberts, Andy -Queen Of The Moonlight World (UK)
Rockhead- Rockhead
Rolling Stones -Beggar's Banquet
Rolling Stones -His Satanic Majesty's Request
Romatic Warriors -Battlefield (Italy)
Rosalia (Japan) -Zillion Tears 1990
Rousseau (Germany)- Flower In Asphalt 1985
Roxy Music
Roxy Music- Stranded
Roxy Music -Viva Live
Rundgren, Todd -A Wizard, A True Star
Rundgren, Todd -Initiation
Rundgren, Todd -Something, Anything
Rundgren, Todd -Todd
Rush- 2112
Rustichelli I Bordini- Opera Prima (Italy)
S.B.B.- S.B.B. (Poland) 1978
Sab (Japan) -Crystallization 1978
Sadistic Mika Band- Black Ship (2nd album)
Sahara -Sunrise
Samla mammas manna (Sweden) -Snorugarnas Symfoni
Samla Mannas -Mamma Maltid (Sweden)
Sandrose- Sandrose (France) 1973
Sanguiliano- Take Off (Italy)
Santana- Welcome(US)
Saure Britako -Gauzar (Spain) 1978
SBB -Follow My Dream 1978
SBB -Welcome 1979
SBB -Za Slowem Siegne Do Ciebie 1977
Scherpanzeal, Ton (Holland) -Le Carnaval Des Animaux 1975
Schicke Fuhrs Frohling -Sunburst (Germany)
Schicke Fuhrs Frohling- Symphonic Pictures (Germany) 1976
Schoener, Eberhard -Video Magic
Scorpions- Fly To The Rainbow
Scorpions- In Trance
Scorpions -Lonesome Crow
Second Hand- Death May Be Your Santa Claus (UK)
Seger, Bob -The Road (US)
Sense Of Wonder (Japan) -Shingenma Teisen 1984
Sergius Golowin- Lord Krishna von Goloka
Seventh Wave -Psi Fi (UK) 1975
Seventh Wave -Things To Come (UK) 1974
Shine Dion (Norway) -Berkana 1994
Shingetsu- Shingetsu (Japan) 1979
Shoot On The Frontier (UK)
Shylock (France)- Ile de Fievre
Simon Dupree & Big Sound- Kites ((UK) 1982
Siouxsie And The Banshees -A Kiss In The Dreamhouse
Skin Alley- Skin Alley (UK)
Skrzek, Jozef (Poland) -Pamietnik Karoling 1978
Sky Cries Mary -Return To The Inner Experience
Smak -Crna Dama (Yugoslavia)
Smak- Smak (Yugoslavia)
Small Faces -Small Faces
Small Wonder -1st Album
Smashing Pumpkins -Siamese Dream
Smith, Bob- The Visit (US)
Smith, Ernie -Jamaican
Smithereens- Blowup
Social Tension (Japan) -It Reminds Me Of Those Days
Solid Ground- Made In Rock (Sweden)
Soundgarden- Super Unknown
Space Art (France)- Trip To The Head Center 1978
Spada, Tony (US)- Balance Of Power 1992
Spent Poets- Spent Poets
Spirits Burning "Reflections In A Radio Shower"
Spirit Of Christmas -Lies To Live By (Canada) 1974
Split Enz -Beginning Of The Enz
Split Enz -Mental Notes
Split Enz -Second Thoughts
Spring- Spring (UK) 1971
St. Mikael -Claustromania (Sweden)
Stackridge- Extravaganza (UK) 1974
Stackridge- Mr. Mick (UK) 1976
Stackridge- Pinafore (UK) 1974
Stafford, Jim -Not Just Another Pretty Foot
Steve Miller Band -Brave New World
Steve Miller Band- In My First Mind
Stories -About Us
Stories -Going Underground
Strange Advance -Strange Advance
Strange Advance -Strange Advance 2
Strange Advance -The Distance Between
Strangers On A Train (UK)- The Key Part II: The Labyrinth 1993
Strangers On A Train (UK) -The Key: The Prophecy 1990
Strawbs- Burning For You
Strawbs -Bursting At The Seams (UK) 1973
Strawbs- Dead Lines
Strawbs- Deep Cuts
Strawbs -From The Witchwood (UK) 1971
Strawbs -Ghosts (UK) 1974
Strawbs -Grave New World (UK) 1972
Strawbs -Hero And Heroine (UK) 1974
Stray -Suicide (UK)
Sway (Belgium) -Human Carnage 1979
Symphonic Slam -Symphonic Slam (Canada)
Synchestra (US)- Mother Earth's Lullaby 1981
Synergy- Electronic Realizations For Rock Orch.. (US)
T Rex- Futuristic Dragon
T Rex -Tanx (UK)
T2 -It'll All Work Out In Bloomland (UK)
Tako- Tako (Yugoslavia)
Tako U Vreci Za Spavenje (Yugoslavia)
Talk Talk -It's My Mix
Talk Talk -The Colour Of Spring
Tangerine Dream -Alpha Centauri (Germany) 1971
Tangerine Dream -Atem (Germany) 1973
Tangerine Dream -Cyclone (Germany) 1978
Tangerine Dream- Encore (Germany) 1977
Tangerine Dream -Force Majeure (Germany) 1979
Tangerine Dream -Live Miles (Germany)
Tangerine Dream -Pargomon (Germany
Tangerine Dream -Phaedra (Germany) 1974
Tangerine Dream -Ricochet (Germany) 1975
Tangerine Dream- Rubycon (Germany) 1975
Tangerine Dream -Sorcerer (Germany) 1977
Tangerine Dream -Stratosfear (Germany) 1976
Tangerine Dream- Zeit (Germany) 1972
Tango- Tango
Tantra- Holocausto
Tantra -Mysterioso i Maravilhas
Tantra -Tantra
Taurus -Illusions Of A Night (Holland)
Taurus -See You Again
Taurus- Works 1976-1981 1990
Taylor, Vic -Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away
Ten CC -(England) Ten CC 1972
Terje Rypdal- Whenever I Seem Far Away 1974
Terpandre- Terpandre (France)
Terraced Garden (Canada) -Melody & Menace 1982
Texas -Homer
The Bonzo Dog Band (UK) -The Doughnut In Granny's Greenhouse 1968
The Enid -Aerie Fairy Nonsense (UK)
The Enid- Something Wicked This Way Comes (UK)
The Fortunes -I Can't Remember Where She Went
The Indians- Indianism (US)
The Moor -Every Pixie Tells A Story (Sweden)
The Move- Blackberry Way (single)
The Move -Curly (single)
The Pretty Things -S.F. Sorrow (UK)
The Trip -Atlantide 1972
The Trip -Caronte 1971
The Trip -The Trip (Italy)
The Undisputed -Truth Earthquake Shake
The Zombies -Odyssey And Oracle (UK)
Theatre No More Rhymes But Mr. Brainstorm (Italy)
Thierry Fervant- Seasons Of Life (Switzerland)
Thin Lizzy- 1st Album (UK)
Thin Lizzy- Shades Of A Blue Orphanage
Thompson, Richard- Mirror Blue
Thompson, Richard- Rumor And Sigh
Three Man Army -A Third Of A Lifetime (UK)
Tibbets, Steve -1st and 2nd album
Tin -Tin
Tomita -Snowflakes Are Dancing (Japan)
Too Much -Too Much (Japan)
Torn Curtain
Trace -Birds
Trace -The White Ladies 1976
Trace- Trace
Traffic- Dear Mr. Fantasy (UK) 1967
Traffic- When The Eagle Flies (UK) 1974
Tranquility -Silver (UK) 1972
Travis -Found Myself In You (UK)
Trettioariga Krige -Krigssang (Sweden) 1973
Tritonus (Germany) -Tritonus 1975
True Myth (Canada)- 1st LP 1967
Twennty Nine Palms -ST
Twenty Sixty Six And Then Reflections -On The Future
Twenty Sixty Six And then Reflections!
Uggla, Magnus (Sweden)- Om Bobbo Viking
Uncle Green -Book Of Bad Thoughts
Univers Zero -Ceux Du Dehors (Belgium)
Uriah Heep -High And Mighty
Uriah Heep- Return To Fantasy
Uriah Heep -Salisbury
Uriah Heep -Uriah Heep
Uriah Heep- Very Eavy Very Umble (UK) 1970
Utopia -(Germany)
Van Der Graaf Generator -Pawn Hearts (UK) 1971
Van der Graaf Generator- Still Life 1976
Van der Graaf Generator- World Record
Various -Rime Of The Ancient Sampler 1993
Vega Suzanne -99 degrees
Vic.Perainos Kingdom -Come Lady Of The Morning
Vic.Perainos Kingdom -Come No Man's Land (US)
Violent Femmes -Why Do Birds Sing?
Wagner, Adrian- Distances Between Us (UK)
Waits, Tom- Franks Wild Years
Wakeman, Rick -Criminal Record 1975
Wakeman, Rick -Journey To The Center Of The Earth (UK)
Wakeman, Rick -No Earthly Connection 1976
Wakeman, Rick -The Myths And Legens of King Arthur... 1975
Wakeman, Rick -The Six Wives Of Henry VIII (UK) 1973
Wakeman, Rick -White Rock 1976
Wallenstein -Blitz Krieg(Germany) 1971
Wallenstein -Cosmic Century (Germany) 1973
Wallenstein -Mother Universe (Germany) 1972
Wallenstein -Stories, Songs And Symphonies 1975
Wally -Valley Gardens (UK)
Wally -Wally (UK) 1974
Web -Spider (UK)
Wedge -No One Left But Me
West, Leslie -The Great Fatsby (US)
When(Norway) -Death In Blue Lake
White Noise (UK) -An Electric Storm 1969
White Willow(Norway) -Ignus Fautus 1994
White Wing -White Wing
Wilson, Andrew Thomas- The Chain Reaction 1980
Wind -Morning (Germany)
Windchase -1 Symphinity
Windflower -Windflower (US)
Wishbone -Ash Four (UK)
Wonderstuff -Construction For The Modern Idiot
Wonderstuff -Never Loved Elvis
Woodorffe, Jezz (England) -Opposite Directions 1980
Woolly Wolstenholme -Maestoso (UK) 1980
X- Hey Zeus
XTC -Chips From The Chocolate Fireball 1993
XTC -Mummer
XTC- Skylarking (Chamberlin)
Yanagida, Hiro -Hiro Cosmos 1974
Ybo Ybo -Alienation
Ybo Ybo- Kingdom Of Family Dream (Japan)
Yes (UK) -Yesterdays 1975
Yes- Close To The Edge (UK) 1972
Yes -Drama
Yes -Fragile (UK) 1971
Yes -Relayer
Yes -Tales From Topographic Oceans(UK) 1975
Yes -The Yes Album (UK) 1971
Yes -Union
Yes -Yes Shows (UK)
Yes -Yessongs
Yes-Going For The One
Yonin Bayashi (Japan) -Ishomu shomuhatsu 1974
Zauber -Phoenix (Italy) 1992
Zauner, Stefan -Narziss (Germany) 1976
Zebra- Zebra
Zomby Woof -Ridin' On A Tear (Germany)La Maguina de Hacer Pajaros- La Maguina de Hacer Pajaros 1976

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