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Canale Musica RecSando - "Il canale musica della Rete Civica di San Donato Milanese"

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Cat Stevens.
Mona Bone Jackon (LP), released 1970.
Peter Gabriel plays flute.
Colin Scot.
Colin Scot (LP), released 1971.
Credits with thinly disguised names for contractual reasons include
P. Angel Gabriel, P. C. Genesis (Phil Collins) and Van der Hammill
(Peter Hammill). Album produced by John Anthony; three songs were written
by Martin Hall, later to collaborate with Gabriel; other session musicians
included Jon Anderson and Robert Fripp.
Charlie Drake.
You Never Know (7"), released November 1975.
Written by Martin Hall and Peter Gabriel, produced by Gabriel, credited on
the label as Gabriel Ear Wax.
Robert Fripp.
Exposure (LP), released April 1979.
Gabriel sings and plays on Exposure, 
with added scream vocals from Terre Roche. 
The album includes what Gabriel calls the "quiet version" of Here Comes The Flood. 
This track was digitally remixed for Network, a
Fripp compilation album released in 1985.
Johnny Warman.
Walking Into Mirrors (LP), released June 1979.
Warman was a friend of Jerry Marotta.
Gabriel contributes accompanying vocals,
chants, screaming and effects on Screaming Jets.
Jimmy Pursey.
Animals Have More Fun/SUS (7"), June 1981.
Both tracks credited Gabriel/Ellis/Pursey. Produced by Peter Gabriel.
Laurie Anderson.
Mister Heartbreak (LP), released February 1984.
Excellent Birds written by Gabriel and Anderson. He plays Synclavier,
Linn drum, vocals and co-produces with Anderson. Also backing vocals on
Langue DAmour and Gravitys Angel.
Phil Collins.
No Jacket Required (LP), released February 1985.
Backing vocals on Take Me Home, also released as 7" and 12".
The Call.
Reconciled (LP), released May 1986.
Backing vocals on Everywhere I Go, 
also released as a remixed single.
Nona Hendryx.
Female Trouble (LP), released June 1987.
Backing vocals on Winds of Change (Mandela to Mandela).
Robbie Robertson.
Robbie Robertson (LP), released October 1987.
The former guitarist with The Band, co-produced by Daniel Lanois. 
Gabriels backing vocals on Fallen Angel, also released as a single 
in November 1987.
Song includes the line, "Come down Gabriel, blow your horn .
" Also vocals on Broken Arrow.
Joni Mitchell.
Chalk Marks in a Rainstorm (LP), due for release in February 1988.
Vocals on My Secret Place recorded at Ashcombe House, autumn 1986.
Deep Forest.
Nel Film Strange Days:
il Brano: "While The Earth Sleeps"
Afro Celt Sound System
Volume 3: Further In Time
Vocal on " When You're Falling" , recorded at Real World Studio, 2001
Akira Inoue: Snowflake
Gabriel legge il racconto Snowflake di Paul Gallico
Peace Together: Peace Together
Voce in Be Still
Artisti Vari: Natural Born Killers OST
Interpreta Taboo con Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Artisti Vari: The Glory Of Gershwin
Interpreta Summertime
Artisti Vari: Philadelphia OST
Interpreta Lovetown
Tony Childs: The Woman’s Boat
Ai cori in I Met A Man
Milton Nascimiento: Angelus
Voce in Qualquer coisa a haver com o paraiso
Manu Dibango: Wakafrika
Ai cori in Biko
Artisti Vari: Tower Of Song - The Songs Of Leonard Cohen
Interpreta Suzanne
Artisti Vari; Virtuosity OST
Interpreta Party Man, attribuita a The Worldbeaters and Peter Gabriel
Artisti Vari: Phenomenon OST
Contiene un remix di I Have The Touch con una strofa in più
Joy Askew: Tender City
Ai cori in I’m Still Looking For A Home
Paula Cole: This Fire
Voce in Hush hush hush
Joseph Arthur: Big City Secrets
Ai cori in Mercedes
Lionel Richie: Louder Than Words
Ai cori in Ordinary Girl
Artisti Vari: Jungle 2 Jungle
Interpreta Shaking The Tree ’97 (Jungle Version) feat. Shaggy
Artisti Vari: Diana Princess Of Wales Tribute
Interpreta In The Sun
Hector Zazou: Lights In The Dark
Ai cori in Caoineadh na dirì muire (Keening Of The Three Marys)
Maryam Mursal: The Journey
Ai cori in Kufilaw
Sister Soleil: Soularium
Improvvisazioni vocali in Blind
Russel Mills/Undark: Pearl+Umbra
"Muted howls" in Causes Cause Causes
Artisti Vari: City Of Angels OST
Interpreta I Grieve
Artisti Vari: Babe – Pig In The City
Interpreta That’ll Do
Artisti Vari: Refuge – A Benefit For The People Of Kosova
Contiene Broken Line (testo di Melanie Gabriel, musica di Peter Gabriel, Melanie Gabriel e Joy Askew)
Artisti Vari: The Struggle Continues
Interpreta Get Up Stand Up, Signal To Noise, In Your Eyes, Shaking The Tree, e Seven Seconds, ai cori. Si tratta del video e del dvd del concerto a Parigi per Amnesty International del dicembre 1998, in occasione del 50° anniversario della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo.
Youssou N’Dour: Joko
Ai cori in This Dream
1995-2000: Real World Notes

È la rivista semestrale pubblicata da Real World: ogni numero contiene un enhanced cd con una compilation audio e sempre nuove tracce interattive. Questi i brani di Gabriel fino a oggi pubblicati: Lovetown (sia audio che video), Seven Zero (scritta per Greenpeace), Signal To Noise (solo traccia video dal concerto VH-1 Honors, con Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan), We Do What We’re Told – Milgram’s Progress (versione rimasterizzata tratta dalla colonna sonora del film"Angel Baby), Taboo (con Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan), In The Sun, Brimstone (sigla di una serie tv americana), That’ll Do e 100 Days To Go (versione primitiva del brano The Tower That Ate People pubblicato successivamente su"Ovo: The Millennium Show)



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